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Select the subset of predictors that do the best at meeting some well-defined objective criterion, such as having the largest R2 value or the smallest MSE, Mallow's Cp or AIC. The default metric used for selecting the model is R2 but the user can choose any of the other available metrics.


ols_step_best_subset(model, ...)

# S3 method for default
  max_order = NULL,
  include = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  metric = c("rsquare", "adjr", "predrsq", "cp", "aic", "sbic", "sbc", "msep", "fpe",
    "apc", "hsp"),

# S3 method for ols_step_best_subset
plot(x, model = NA, print_plot = TRUE, ...)



An object of class lm.


Other inputs.


Maximum subset order.


Character or numeric vector; variables to be included in selection process.


Character or numeric vector; variables to be excluded from selection process.


Metric to select model.


An object of class ols_step_best_subset.


logical; if TRUE, prints the plot else returns a plot object.


ols_step_best_subset returns an object of class "ols_step_best_subset". An object of class "ols_step_best_subset" is a list containing the following:


selection metrics


Kutner, MH, Nachtscheim CJ, Neter J and Li W., 2004, Applied Linear Statistical Models (5th edition). Chicago, IL., McGraw Hill/Irwin.


model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
#>    Best Subsets Regression    
#> ------------------------------
#> Model Index    Predictors
#> ------------------------------
#>      1         wt              
#>      2         hp wt           
#>      3         hp wt qsec      
#>      4         disp hp wt qsec 
#> ------------------------------
#>                                                    Subsets Regression Summary                                                    
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                           
#> Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC        SBIC        SBC         MSEP       FPE       HSP       APC  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   1        0.7528      0.7446      0.7087    12.4809    166.0294    74.2916    170.4266    296.9167    9.8572    0.3199    0.2801 
#>   2        0.8268      0.8148      0.7811     2.3690    156.6523    66.5755    162.5153    215.5104    7.3563    0.2402    0.2091 
#>   3        0.8348      0.8171       0.782     3.0617    157.1426    67.7238    164.4713    213.1929    7.4756    0.2461    0.2124 
#>   4        0.8351      0.8107       0.771     5.0000    159.0696    70.0408    167.8640    220.8882    7.9497    0.2644    0.2259 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
#>  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
#>  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
#>  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
#>  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
#>  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
#>  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria 
ols_step_best_subset(model, metric = "adjr")
#>    Best Subsets Regression    
#> ------------------------------
#> Model Index    Predictors
#> ------------------------------
#>      1         wt              
#>      2         hp wt           
#>      3         hp wt qsec      
#>      4         disp hp wt qsec 
#> ------------------------------
#>                                                    Subsets Regression Summary                                                    
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                           
#> Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC        SBIC        SBC         MSEP       FPE       HSP       APC  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   1        0.7528      0.7446      0.7087    12.4809    166.0294    74.2916    170.4266    296.9167    9.8572    0.3199    0.2801 
#>   2        0.8268      0.8148      0.7811     2.3690    156.6523    66.5755    162.5153    215.5104    7.3563    0.2402    0.2091 
#>   3        0.8348      0.8171       0.782     3.0617    157.1426    67.7238    164.4713    213.1929    7.4756    0.2461    0.2124 
#>   4        0.8351      0.8107       0.771     5.0000    159.0696    70.0408    167.8640    220.8882    7.9497    0.2644    0.2259 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
#>  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
#>  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
#>  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
#>  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
#>  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
#>  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria 
ols_step_best_subset(model, metric = "cp")
#>    Best Subsets Regression    
#> ------------------------------
#> Model Index    Predictors
#> ------------------------------
#>      1         wt              
#>      2         hp wt           
#>      3         hp wt qsec      
#>      4         disp hp wt qsec 
#> ------------------------------
#>                                                    Subsets Regression Summary                                                    
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                           
#> Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC        SBIC        SBC         MSEP       FPE       HSP       APC  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   1        0.7528      0.7446      0.7087    12.4809    166.0294    74.2916    170.4266    296.9167    9.8572    0.3199    0.2801 
#>   2        0.8268      0.8148      0.7811     2.3690    156.6523    66.5755    162.5153    215.5104    7.3563    0.2402    0.2091 
#>   3        0.8348      0.8171       0.782     3.0617    157.1426    67.7238    164.4713    213.1929    7.4756    0.2461    0.2124 
#>   4        0.8351      0.8107       0.771     5.0000    159.0696    70.0408    167.8640    220.8882    7.9497    0.2644    0.2259 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
#>  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
#>  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
#>  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
#>  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
#>  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
#>  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria 

# maximum subset
model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + drat + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
ols_step_best_subset(model, max_order = 3)
#>   Best Subsets Regression  
#> ---------------------------
#> Model Index    Predictors
#> ---------------------------
#>      1         wt           
#>      2         hp wt        
#>      3         drat wt qsec 
#> ---------------------------
#>                                                    Subsets Regression Summary                                                    
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                           
#> Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC        SBIC        SBC         MSEP       FPE       HSP       APC  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   1        0.7528      0.7446      0.7087    14.5346    166.0294    74.1040    170.4266    296.9167    9.8572    0.3199    0.2801 
#>   2        0.8268      0.8148      0.7811     3.8082    156.6523    66.2706    162.5153    215.5104    7.3563    0.2402    0.2091 
#>   3        0.8370      0.8196      0.7765     4.0467    156.7031    66.9790    164.0318    210.2851    7.3736    0.2428    0.2095 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
#>  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
#>  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
#>  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
#>  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
#>  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
#>  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria 

# plot
model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + qsec, data = mtcars)
k <- ols_step_best_subset(model)

# return only models including `qsec`
ols_step_best_subset(model, include = c("qsec"))
#>    Best Subsets Regression    
#> ------------------------------
#> Model Index    Predictors
#> ------------------------------
#>      1         qsec            
#>      2         wt qsec         
#>      3         hp wt qsec      
#>      4         disp hp wt qsec 
#> ------------------------------
#>                                                      Subsets Regression Summary                                                     
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                              
#> Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square      C(p)        AIC         SBIC        SBC         MSEP        FPE       HSP       APC  
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   1        0.1753      0.1478      0.0754    107.0696    204.5881    109.5591    208.9853    990.6990    32.8899    1.0674    0.9347 
#>   2        0.8264      0.8144      0.7786      2.4295    156.7205     66.6304    162.5834    215.9699     7.3720    0.2407    0.2095 
#>   3        0.8348      0.8171       0.782      3.0617    157.1426     67.7238    164.4713    213.1929     7.4756    0.2461    0.2124 
#>   4        0.8351      0.8107       0.771      5.0000    159.0696     70.0408    167.8640    220.8882     7.9497    0.2644    0.2259 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
#>  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
#>  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
#>  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
#>  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
#>  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
#>  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria 

# exclude `hp` from selection process
ols_step_best_subset(model, exclude = c("hp"))
#>   Best Subsets Regression  
#> ---------------------------
#> Model Index    Predictors
#> ---------------------------
#>      1         wt           
#>      2         wt qsec      
#>      3         disp wt qsec 
#> ---------------------------
#>                                                    Subsets Regression Summary                                                    
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                           
#> Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC        SBIC        SBC         MSEP       FPE       HSP       APC  
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>   1        0.7528      0.7446      0.7087    12.4809    166.0294    74.2916    170.4266    296.9167    9.8572    0.3199    0.2801 
#>   2        0.8264      0.8144      0.7786     2.4295    156.7205    66.6304    162.5834    215.9699    7.3720    0.2407    0.2095 
#>   3        0.8264      0.8078      0.7699     4.4293    158.7203    68.8815    166.0490    223.9676    7.8534    0.2585    0.2232 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
#>  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
#>  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
#>  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
#>  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
#>  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
#>  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria 