Chart of cook's distance to detect observations that strongly influence fitted values of the model.




An object of class lm.


ols_cooksd_chart returns a list containing the following components:


a tibble with observation number and cooks distance that exceed threshold


threshold for classifying an observation as an outlier


Cook's distance was introduced by American statistician R Dennis Cook in 1977. It is used to identify influential data points. It depends on both the residual and leverage i.e it takes it account both the x value and y value of the observation.

Steps to compute Cook's distance:

  • Delete observations one at a time.

  • Refit the regression model on remaining \(n - 1\) observations

  • exmine how much all of the fitted values change when the ith observation is deleted.

A data point having a large cook's d indicates that the data point strongly influences the fitted values.

See also



model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt, data = mtcars) ols_cooksd_chart(model)